React Native Header

UserInfo in React Native Promises

September 1, 2021

React Native's Native Modules are great, but their documentation is a little...lacking. Let's talk about the UserInfo field when we reject a promise in a Native Module.

According to the docs (for both Android and iOS), RN Native Module promises can be rejected with various combinations of the following parameters:

String code, String message, WritableMap userInfo, Throwable throwable

That's great! Except we never quite get where to find userInfo. After some poking around, I found that you can access userInfo from the error object caught on a promise rejection.

import {NativeModules} from 'react-native' const {SomeModule} = NativeModules ... try { await SomeModule.doSomething() } catch (error) { error.userInfo }

Simple, so it's very strange this is just not documented anywhere.

© 2022 Michael Liu